French Law 1544 of 29 October 2007 strengthens the prohibition of the sale of counterfeit goods. Also concerned about the preservation of French heritage, we are actively fighting against the sale of counterfeit accompanying our customers in the detection of articles contrary to the expertise of the luxury houses.
Since many years, the luxury brands like Hermes or Louis Vuitton and others became dominating fashion brands in the world with famous and iconics handbags. Nowadays, we can say that these luxury handbags and accessories become timeless pieces. We always think to explain the importance of intellectual property rights and the protection of the brand value. So, we are more and more worried when, with the explosion of the e-commerce, the luxury preowned market become so flooded with counterfeits Hermès handbags. As more and more clients began contacting us to make authentification to avoid troubles, we decided to do the best to « fight » fake market.
Through our company MODE IN LUXE, we fight the counterfeit market. We assist a lot of buyers and sellers with authenticating luxury Handbags and Accessories, as well as helping a lot of resellers take down the fake and counterfeit bags. We also alert potential buyers that the seller of a specific bag is selling a fake. We believe that everyone has the right to own an Hermès Birkin Handbag without having troubles or being stressful to obtain one. We must secure the market. We can provide an opinion about the bag’s condition with a 100% satisfaction and guarantee. Our location in Paris is a important advantage as we are surrounded by some of the best experts in the field right here in our beautiful city.
We are honored that MODE IN LUXE was the first French company to be present on the 3 greatest reputable international luxury resale marketplace which are 1STDIBS, Malleries and Portero. Access to these platforms is regulated and subject to strict control for several months (6 to 12 months) and is authorized only for professional merchant who can prove high experience and confirmed expertise skills.
To avoid many inconveniences, we make assessment all of your luxury items on which you would have a doubt and we will provide you a certificate of authenticity. We offer 100% authenticity guarantee.